Welcome to Oddville!
by Jay Stephens.
Published by AdHouse Books
Welcome to ODDVILLE!, the complete collection of newspaper comic strips by award-winning cartoonist Jay Stephens, best known for his animated TV series' TUTENSTEIN and THE SECRET SATURDAYS.
Join 8 year old superkid JETCAT on her misadventures throughout the weirdest city since Oz. ODDVILLE! is chock full of strange and wonderful denizens, including a ghost pumpkin, rude snail, discarded bandage, and a gang of talking apples. All in spectacular full-color!
4C cover
88 4C pages
8.5" x 11"
$14.95 US funds
ISBN 978-1-935233-08-4
Shipping June 2011
Diamond Order Code: APR11 0749
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