The Ancient Book
of Sex and Science
by various. Published by Red Window and distributed by AdHouse Books
The Ancient Book of Sex and Science is the second volume in the critically acclaimed, sell-out ANCIENT BOOK series! Indulge yourself as you explore the strange frontiers of sex and science, from instruments of innovation and the Atomic Age to analysis of the mind, body, and seduction of the human form. Featuring broad color, shapely design, supple lines, and evocative commentary, The Ancient Book of Sex and Science is a fine art hardcover collection of images produced by some of the most highly sophisticated animation designers and low-brow artists in the industry.
1C stamped cover
80 4C pages
9" x 11.5" HC
$19.95 US funds
ISBN 978-0-9774715-4-6
Shipping June 2009
Diamond order code: APR090626
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