by Jim Rugg.
Published by AdHouse Books
"Last year I started drawing again. For the first time in 15 years, I drew for reasons other than work. I make drawings out of the trash culture that I grew up with – superhero comic books, cartoons, straight-to-video genre movies, pro wrestling, and MTV. Like most marketing, that escapist fare usually promised more than it delivered. But those lurid video covers and melodramatic comic books fueled my imagination. As a result, the tone of my work vacillates between celebration and satire." – Jim Rugg on Notebook
48 4C pages
" x 10.5 " Spiral Bound
$30 US funds
ISBN 978-1-935233-20-6
Shipping June 2012
AdHouse Books Exclusive Limited Edition (300)
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Project: Superior
Project: Romantic
Superior Showcase #3