Pope Hats #4
by Ethan Rilly.
Published by AdHouse Books
A special full-color issue of Rilly's moody and meditative short stories. Follow the troubled parents of "The Nest," the forceful artist of "Stained Glass," and loneliness in a scorched-earth colony in "The Hollow"--plus an actual letters page and more! Rilly's Frances-and-Vickie story will return in the next issue. For now, grab this bold new work in the series that received the Ignatz Award for Outstanding Comic and Doug Wright Spotlight Award. Yah!
4C cover
32 4C pages
" x 10.875 " saddle stitched
$7.95 US funds
ISBN 978-1-935233-35-0
Shipping June 2015
Diamond Order Code: APR15 0977
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