Pope Hats #3
by Ethan Rilly.
Published by AdHouse Books
Working, working, working! Frances Scarland continues to search for a perfect balance in her career as a law clerk, where the only certainty seems to be flux. Yet she loses footing as her close friend Vickie rides an unrelated wave of opportunity. Pope Hats #3 offers the lengthiest installment yet in Rilly's ongoing story about the give and take of professional success. With some extraneous strips and a new letters page. Ethan Rilly won the 2012 Doug Wright Spotlight Award for his work on Pope Hats. The series and second issue are also nominated for the 2012 SPX Ignatz award.
4C cover
40 1C pages
" x 10 " saddle stitched
$6.95 US funds
ISBN 978-1-9352331-9-0
Shipping November 2012
Diamond Order Code: SEP12 0739
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